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1 month ago

What is the laypeople’s exposure perception concerning 5G? Most citizens know little about how mobile radio works and rely on intuitions when assessing exposure to RF-EMF, which poses a challenge for scientists and risk communicators. Dr Marie Eggeling (IU team) presents results of recent studies on laypeople’s exposure perceptions from the SEAWave project. Main findings were that laypeople often have different understandings of exposure than experts, that misconceptions and intuitive assessments are common, and that personal relevance is often low. Risk communicators should adjust their communication to the target audience and aim to engage people by using new and vivid formats of communication. Rather than communicating complex findings about doses and exposures, basic principles, i.e.,” rules of thumb” may be more helpful for the public. They should also keep in mind that reception of scientific information may be influenced by prior knowledge, attitudes, and emotions."What is the laypeople’s exposure perception? Results and experience from SEAWave" by M. Eggeling, C. Boehmert, S. Link, F. Abacioglu, IU International University, Erfurt, Germany ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

BioEM 2024 - Day 45G private networks are becoming a platform for 'wire-free' networking for professional applications from factory floor automation through to automated warehousing, logistics, autonomous vehicle deployments in campus environments, mining, material processing and more.Dr Blaž Valič (INIS team) is presenting an analysis that was carried out on a real case scenario in the Port of Koper, Slovenia. Two different types of infrastructure were analysed: private standalone 5G base station and public non-standalone 5G base station operating at 3.5 GHz. The RF EMF exposure of a driver in a terminal tractor equipped with 5G getaway was also measured and analysed."Occupational Exposure Due To Private 5g Networks In Smart Industries", Dr Blaž Valič, Dr Peter GajšekInstitute of Non-Ionizing Radiation, Ljubljana, Slovenia ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

BioEM 2024 - Day 4Dr Ourouk Jawad, (ANFR team), is presenting the results of a large-scale measurement campaign of the level of exposure in front of 5G FR1 base stations in many french cities from 2020 to 2023. These measurement have been carried out at more than 1000 positions, 7 times between 2020 to 2023. The goals of this study are to demonstrate that 5G NR technology is compliant with the national limits, to assess accurately the increase of the level of exposure in different bands where 5G has been deployed and to emphasize global knowledge of 5G exposure answering the public concern."Impact of 5G technology on public exposure to electromagnetic fields : 2020-2023 measurement campaign review" by O. Jawad, L. Sefsouf, J.B. Agnani, E. ConilAgence nationale des fréquences (ANFR), Maisons-Alfort, France ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

SEAWave at the 3rd CLUE-H meeting. Presentation of the SEAWave activities and the WG1 (Policy Brief) tasks performed so far by Prof. Theodoros Samaras. ... See MoreSee Less

DEVIN 5G: How does personal Up-Link Exposimeter tackle 5G specificities? Dr Serge Bories (CEA-LETI) is presenting a miniature personal uplink (UL) exposimeter (DEVIN) designed to measure the transmitted power emitted by the mobile phones and to identify the mobile phone usage.

BIOEM 2024 - Day2
After our successful Workshop in Day 1, our members start presenting their research. Christos Apostolidis explores the impact of beamforming on exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in office environments.

Poster alert! A joint work by AUTh and Greek Atomic Energy Commission has been presented in BioEM 2024.
"5G NR FR1 Contribution to the total EMF exposure levels during ground level spot measurements in urban and suburban environments in Greece." @BioEM2024


The SEAWave Workshop on Exposure Monitoring and Assessment took place on June 16th 2024, at the BioEM2024 meeting in Chania and was attended by more than 40 people. You can have a look at SEAWave news

SEAWave was also present at the annual meeting of the @SocietyforRiskAnalysis - Europe. Marie Eggeling and Sarah Link presented their research on the perception of 5G.

Well done group TP-IPP! A new publication is already online:
"Statistical Analysis of RF-EMF Exposure Induced by Cellular Wireless Networks in Public Transportation Facilities of the Paris Region"

A new publication from France! "Monitoring of the exposure to electromagnetic fields with autonomous probes installed outdoors in France"

New publication from Team AUTh. "Mapping the exposure from cellular networks using a mobile app in an urban environment."

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